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Text prayer of the Holy Rosary, Crown of Divine Mercy, Pompeian Rosary.The Holy Rosary has three par...

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Text prayer of the Holy Rosary, Crown of Divine Mercy, Pompeian Rosary.The Holy Rosary has three parts with individual secrets:joyful rosarypainful rosaryfestive rosary.In 2002 John Paul II. established another part of the holy rosary - the rosary of light.The prayer of the Holy Rosary begins with a blessing and the sign of the cross, the prayer I believe in God, Our Father, 3x Hail Mary with inserted requests for individual mysteries and the prayer Glory to the Father. Then follow the prayers of 5 tithes with individual secrets. Each tithe begins with the prayer of Our Father, 10 times Hail Mary with mystery, Glory to the Father and ends with the prayer of Fatima, O Jesus.We can end the prayer of the Holy Rosary with the Hail Queen prayer and the sign of the cross.Joyful rosaryRequests:1. who may multiply our faith2. who may strengthen our hope3. who may kindle our loveSecrets /fruits of the secret/ (text in Holy Scripture):1. whom the Virgin conceived of the Holy Spirit /humility/ (Lk 1, 26-38)2. whom you carried in your life when you visited Elizabeth /love of neighbor/ (Lk 1, 39-56)3. whom she gave birth to in Bethlehem /spirit of poverty/ (Lk 2, 1-21)4. whom she sacrificed in the temple (Lk 2, 22-40)5. whom you found in the temple /obedience, purity/ (Lk 2, 41-51)Painful rosaryRequests:1. which may enlighten our reason2. who may strengthen our will3. which may strengthen our memorySecrets /fruits of the secret/ (text in Holy Scripture):1. who sweated blood for us /regret for our sins/ (Lk 22, 39-46; Mt 26, 36-56; Mk 14, 32-52; Jn 18, 1-11)2. who was scourged for us /forgiveness of our sensuality/ (Mt 27, 26; Mk 25, 15; Jn 19,1)3. who was crowned with thorns for us /forgiveness of our sinful desires/ (Mt 27, 27-31; Mk 15, 16-20)4. who carried the cross for us /bearing our difficulties/ (Lk 23, 26-30; Mt 27, 32)5. who was crucified for us /greater love for God and souls/ (Lk 23, 33-44; Mt 27, 33-56; Mk 15, 21-41; Jn 19, 17-37)Solemn rosaryRequests:1. who may organize our thoughts2. who may rule our words3. let him manage our thoughtsSecrets /fruits of the secret/ (text in Holy Scripture):1. who gloriously rose from the dead /faith in Gods Love/ (Lk 24, 1-12; Mt 28, 5-8; Mk 16, 5-14)2. who gloriously ascended to heaven /desire for heaven/ (Lk 24, 50-53; Mk 16, 19-20; Acts 1, 4-11)3. who sent us the Holy Spirit /the arrival of the Holy Spirit in our hearts/ (Acts 2, 1-13)4. who took you, Virgin, to heaven /grace of a good death/ (Revelation 12, 14-16)5. who crowned you, Virgin, in heaven /great respect for the Virgin Mary/ Revelation 12, 1-3)Rosary of lightRequests:1. who may be the Light of our life2. who heals us with merciful love3. who may take us to himself to eternal glorySecrets:1. who was baptized in Jordan and began his public ministry (Mt 3, 13-17; Lk 3, 22; Mk 3, 35)2. who miraculously opened the hearts of the disciples to faith in Cana of Galilee (Jn 2, 1-11)3. who announced the kingdom of God and called the people to repentance Mt 4, 12-17, 23-24)4. who appeared in divine glory on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mt 17, 1-9)5. who gave himself to us as food and drink in the Altar sacrament (Mt 26, 26-29)